While I was in the wilderness of Manali last week, the buzz amongst the workshop's participants was about Nikon's new D300S, an updated version of its successful mid-level DSLR. The D300S offers full 720p HD video recording at 24 fps, a 7 fps (see that, Canon?) continuous shooting and Dual CF and SD card slots, and its selling price is $1799.
As it happens, Ami Vitale was one of the instructors at the workshop, and she has done some video work with the D300S. It now appears here on the Nikon website.
I'm always skeptical of advertisements of that type, but if push comes to shove I'd rather have a photographer like Ami showing her work, than having a corporate-generated clip showing how great the camera is. In reality, it's not simple to move from still photography to videography, and it certainly takes more than flipping a switch at the back of a camera to produce a reasonably successful movie. It requires a different mindset, and different disciplines...and training.
The Nikon D300S specifications can be found here on DPReview.
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